Imaginary musics – Palace, St.Gallen

Marienbad électrique, boogie aquatique, a certain idea of exotica and tenderness

A program on cinematic, recomposed and fictional musics curated by Collection Morel and powered by Julie Tippex for 10 Jahre Palace – Gastrecht 8, with concerts by Pram, Ela Orleans, Joasihno, Pierre Bastien, Xavier Boussiron, Klavikon, DJ sets by Sounds of silence, Wilfried*, Stanley, the diffusions of The Dead Mauriacs and Asmus Tietchens as Hematic Sunsets (Postcards from Aroma Club), exhibitions, talk and screening by Paul Paulun, Discographisme Récréatif and Laida Lertxundi. At Palace and Nextex, May 4th to 6th 2017 in St. Gallen.

Detailed program on (EN/DE) | Playlist

Laida Lertxundi at Imaginary Musics, Palace, St.Gallen, 5 May 2017, photo Michael Bodenmann for Collection Morel 2



Portfolio, documents et suppléments des Musiques imaginaires



“Music isn’t just what you hear and what you listen to, but everything that happens”
— George Brecht

Further away from the domain of music – a matter of human compositions carried out to our ears through the medium of sound – exists a whole domain formed by its recollection, getting assembled without even hearing any of its manifestation, forming a world of “Imaginary musics” as we’ve decided to call them, of embodied compositions.

Those musics, which don’t require players to exist, are carried by us everywhere we go, ready to spring on particular states and certain emotions. They weave from their melodic lines the canvas of what we are: they define us, accompany us and give representational forms to our most ineffable universes. Imaginary musics are the ones of our secret rooms: the ones of daydreams, fantasies and memories; of fictions and possibilities.

Obsessed for many years by the somehow Borgesian idea of a Museum of Imaginary musics, we’ve tried to assemble for this program a few of its possible objects and expressions, in its tender, exotic or curious aspects, with the music of a motorized artificial island (The Dead Mauriacs), the Map of Tender (Xavier Boussiron) and a fictional club (Aroma Club / Hematic Sunsets), movies for the ears (Ela Orleans) and music for Kopfkino (Pram), motorized plays (Klavikon, Joasihno) and a mechanical orchestra (Pierre Bastien), an impossible dance (Gwladys Morey, poster), the mental music of love and orgasm (Laida Lertxundi), some re-created record covers (Discographisme Récréatif), sounds proposals (Paul Paulun), and records of silence (Sounds of silence).

On May 5th and 6th 2017, this imaginary museum will take on its form at Palace in St. Gallen as part of Gastrecht’s program for two nights of Imaginary musics – be they silent, fictional or cinematic – and the first public display of the collection.


Imaginary musics is a program of Marie-Pierre Bonniol for Gastrecht – Palace, St. Gallen, on an invitation of Damian Hohl.

Drawing by Gwladys Morey, handwriting by Delphine Duprat, design by Please Teenage.
Website by Constance Legeay. Marienbad électrique: Enrique Vila-Matas. Photo: screening of Laida Lertxundi, picture by Michael Bodenmann for Collection Morel. | Tickets : | Pass 2 nights : 35.- | Contact

With the special support of APCd Fondation, Archives + Production d’Art Contemporain

Press and documents

